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Posted 4 June 2024
4th Startup School - "Negotiations and Agreements: Securing a Profitable Deal with Investors"
Startup school 4

Join us for the 4th edition of the "Startup School," a workshop series under the TechIsland Academy, dedicated to educating and empowering startups in Cyprus. This event, powered by VC fund Zubr Capital, will focus on equipping startups with the necessary skills to secure profitable deals with investors.

Date: 20 June 2024 | Time: 4:00 PM | Location: Limassol


  1. Topic 1: Mastering Investor Negotiations

Speaker: Nikolay Shestak, Partner at Zubr Capital, Head of Fundraising

Unlock the secrets of negotiating with investors. Discover how investors perceive negotiation processes, learn valuable strategies, and receive practical advice on when to push and when to hold back. Prepare to be inspired with real-world examples!

  1. Topic 2: Navigating the Legal Landscape of Investment

Speaker: Natallia Cwetkowich, Lawyer at Zubr Capital

Dive into the legal intricacies of investment deals. Learn how to handle transaction documents with precision and gain insights into the key legal aspects investors scrutinize during due diligence.

The workshop is offered for free by registration here:

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your negotiation and legal skills for successful investment deals.