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Posted 29 June 2023
The Role of HR in Cyprus's Tech Transformation: An Insider's Perspective
Tanya Romanyuka, Head of Operations at TechIsland
The Role of HR in Cyprus's Tech Transformation: An Insider's Perspective

By Tanya Romanyuka, Head of Operations at TechIsland

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, it's undeniable that the role of HR has dramatically changed. It is no longer confined to transactional duties, but has expanded to incorporate strategic initiatives that are fundamental to a company's success. 

This transformation is particularly visible within the tech industry, and in Cyprus, we are experiencing firsthand the impact of these shifts. HR professionals are prioritizing employee experience by fostering a positive work environment. They are utilizing HR technology to automate various processes, enabling them to concentrate on more strategic tasks. Moreover, there is an increasing emphasis on promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, leading to the implementation of programs to create and promote a diverse and inclusive organizational culture.

As the voice of the growing tech industry, TechIsland recognizes the immense potential of HR. Over the last two years, we have built a thriving community of more than 300 HR professionals who are as passionate about the tech sector as we are. We provide a platform for these experts to network, exchange ideas, and gain insights on the latest industry trends. Our collective mission? To continually drive progress in the tech sector.

Our commitment to this cause is realized through our monthly HR meetups. These gatherings are more than just networking events; they are a confluence of knowledge-sharing and innovation. We invite industry experts to deliver educational workshops, inspirational speeches, and offer an opportunity to discuss and share experiences. Through this, we enable HR professionals to grow and shape their organizations positively.

Within this context, we recently launched a long term project on salary benchmarking, in collaboration with Mercer, a leading expert in compensation data. The Cyprus Tech Industry Salary and Workforce Survey is a much anticipated initiative that will shape the future of the industry. This survey will yield a comprehensive report that includes invaluable salary benchmarking data, to enable hiring managers to make well-informed decisions in attracting and retaining the very best tech talent.

Moreover, recently for our 3rd HR Meetup, we partnered with One2Remember Events agency, a specialized agency with great experience in team building and employee engagement activities. Attendees had the opportunity to experience a fun and interactive game which can be implemented to connect and bring closer people within an organization. 

The importance of a vibrant HR community, such as the one we've cultivated at TechIsland, cannot be overstated. It serves as a powerful tool for navigating the unique challenges and opportunities that the tech industry presents. By fostering a community that shares insights, supports each other, and works towards common goals, we are setting a strong foundation for the future of Cyprus' tech sector.