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Posted 2 July 2024
TechIsland welcomes the Digital Cooperation Organization
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On July 1st, TechIsland’s Chairman, Valentinos Polykarpou, and General Manager, Tanya Romanyukha, met with a delegation from the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO), led by Secretary General Deemah AlYahya, along with the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy, Nicodemos Damianou, PhD, and Chief Scientist Demetris Skourides.

The DCO promotes digital transformation and economic growth through international cooperation, aiming to enhance digital inclusion and support innovation for a robust digital economy. Sharing a vision of leveraging technology to drive GDP growth, our two organizations explored collaboration opportunities to foster prosperity through digital economy advancements.

Following the meeting, a special Women in Tech® Cyprus Meetup was held at ASBIS, featuring keynote speeches by Deputy Minsiter Damianou and Josie Christodoulou, Cyprus' Commissioner for Gender Equality, who shared insights on female representation in tech. Secretary General AlYahya also addressed the audience highlighting the need for cross-border collaboration on female empowerment and inclusion, and later joined a panel discussion with our GM Tanya Romanyukha, Maria Terzi, CEO of Malloc,  and moderator Michael Tyrimos, Founder & Managing Director of Capacitor Partners. The panel emphasized the importance of supporting young women in STEM and balancing life-work dynamics for gender equality.

The evening concluded with a private cocktail party at the PSI Foundation, where prominent figures from the business community and beyond, networked and enjoyed a tour of the current Cypriot modern art exhibition “Casts of an Island”, featuring an impressive collection of 120 artworks by 43 artists. 

DCO meeting
DCO panel